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Procedure For Applying For A Work Permit For Foreigners

Procedure for applying for a work permit for foreigners → According to Decree No. 102/2013/ND-CP detailing the implementation of some things of the Labor Code on foreign workers working in Vietnam, the notion of "renew work permit" is instead the concept and procedure "re-grant work permit". Therefore, when the enterprise has foreign workers have the work permit expires following clause 2 Article 13 Decree 102/2013/ND-CP.


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Procedure for applying for a work permit for foreigners.

According to Decree No. 102/2013/ND-CP detailing the implementation of some things of the Labor Code on foreign workers working in Vietnam, the notion of "renew work permit" is instead the concept and procedure "re-grant work permit". Therefore, when the enterprise has foreign workers have the work permit expires following clause 2 Article 13 Decree 102/2013/ND-CP.

Procedure for renewal of work permit in Vietnam

According to Decree No. 102/2013/ND-CP detailing the implementation of some things of the Labor Code on foreign workers working in Vietnam, the notion of "renew work permit" is instead the concept and procedure "re-grant work permit". Therefore, when the enterprise has foreign workers have the work permit expires following clause 2 Article 13 Decree 102/2013/ND-CP.

Tonkin Company in Hanoi guiding the procedures needed and sufficient for enterprises to use foreign workers to prepare the following documents

Procedure for making work permit for foreigners

A. Current Status: Guests have signed an employment contract with active business in Vietnam

B. The worker provides:

1. Passport photo notarized enough pages

2. Diploma học_ Proof of Occupation (*)

3. Health certificate issued by hospitals under the Ministry of Health (*)

4. Judicial Resume (*)

5. Photo 4cm x 6cm (4 sheets)

C. Employers provide:

1. Notarized Corporate Legal papers

2. The approval of foreign workers

3. The Office of work permit proposal

4. Referral paper.

D. Time: 8-10 working days (not the calculating date of record)

E: Caption (*)

2. Proof of occupation must be legal consul to use in Vietnam.

3. Health certificate issued by designated hospitals

4. The judicial calendar for overseas or Vietnamese.

For enterprises using foreign workers should pay attention when applying for a work permit as follows:

The company approved the use of foreign workers by the Department of Labour-Invalids & commune, results after 15 business days do not count the T7, CN (Enterprises should send 1 time according to the list of expected enterprises will use the labor according to the expected items) (the model of foreign Labour's Labor) the writer of the COMMITTEE usually outputs about 2 months = > Enterprises should send before the use of foreign workers.

The company recommends providing labor permits of enterprises to use foreign workers following the Department of Labour-Invalids and & Society.

Notarized legal documents of the Enterprise (register using form sign + Business registration or certificate of investment).

Company recommendation (for the applicant of the business to submit).

For foreign laborers:

The passport photo notarized enough of the pages.

Photo 4cm x 6cm (04 plates) closest shooting in 6 months-light or white background.

The health certificate is issued overseas or in Vietnam according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health (in Hanoi due to hospital E-Viet France-grade Bach Mai).

A college diploma or career Proof-of-expertise is legal to use in Vietnam.

The judicial resume in a foreign country or Vietnam is legally legal to use in Vietnam. (If you are a judicial calendar in Vietnam, the worker needs to have the original residence confirmation in Vietnam, then to the Justice Department for a judicial calendar).

The working permit period is granted: 8 days-10 working days.

The conditions for foreign workers granted work permit:

An employee wants to be granted a work permit in Vietnam, they should have some of the conditions prescribed by the laws of Vietnam as follows:

Person workers must have full civil act capacity as prescribed by law;

Workers have the guarantee company in Vietnam (According to Paragraph 1, Article 2, Decree 11/2016 / ND-CP issued on 03.02.2016);

The employee must provide adequate conditions following documents:

certificate of health or medical certificate healthy enough to work due to the competent authorities. The health certificate is valid for 12 months from the date of grant

Judicial records or documents certifying foreign workers not guilty issued by the competent authority. Judicial record value used within 6 months from the date of issuance.

The records prove alien labor as managers, executives, professionals or technical workers. Depending on the specific title of the employee that may require different profiles. According to Article 3 of the Decree 11/2016 / ND-CP, dated 03/02/2016.

A certified true copy of passport

2 pictures 4x6 white background, taken within 6 months before the date of the application

Depending on the specific circumstances that may arise some other related records.

Note: The foreign workers applying for work permits, the paper records that are issued by agencies or foreign enterprises, the need to legitimize new consulate has legal value, but schools they are exempted from consular legalization shall under international treaties or the principle of reciprocity following the law, it is necessary translated into Vietnamese and certified following the law of Vietnam

The duration of work permit:

The duration of work permits, depending on each case granted a work permit will have different deadlines but the duration of all types of work permits, it will not be too 02 years:

The duration of the labor contract signing is expected;

The term of appointment of foreign parties to foreign laborers working in Vietnam;

Duration of the contract or agreement signed between the partners in Vietnam and abroad;

Contract duration or service provider agreement signed between the partners in Vietnam and abroad;

The period mentioned in the text of the service providers appointed foreign laborers in Vietnam to negotiate service providers;

Deadline is specified in the certificate of non-governmental organizations abroad, international organizations are allowed to operate following the law of Vietnam;

Deadline in writing by the service provider to appoint a foreign worker in Vietnam to establish a commercial presence of service providers;

Term of documents proving that the foreign workers are engaged in activities of a foreign enterprise has established a commercial presence in Vietnam.





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