Vietnam Trademark Registration: Consultant will file the Vietnamese Trademark Registration Request in Vietnam if your application has good posibilities. We will carry out all needed tasks before the Vietnamese Trademark Office in order to obtain the Vietnamese registration approval
Is a trademark license required to be registered at the Trademark Office?
Yes. It is an obligation to record a trademark license with the Trademark Office. The effective date of the license is the recorded date at the TM Office.
Can the trademark itself and the designated goods be changed after being registered?
Where there is any change that likely affect the registered trademark, such as change of the owner's name and/or address, or upon the merger, application for amendment must be filed with the Trademark Office for recordal. The registered trademark itself and the designated goods shall not be amended; this provision shall, however, not apply to the restriction of designated goo
- 02 Declaration for registration which are typed according to form No. 04-NH Appendix A of Circular No. 01/2007/TT-BKHCN [The trademark description: the sample of the mark must be described in order to clarify elements of the mark and the comprehensive meaning of the mark, if any; where the mark consists of words or phrases of hieroglyphic languages, such words or phrases must be transcribed; where the mark consists of words or phrases in foreign languages, such words or phrases must be translated into Vietnamese. If the mark contains numerals other than Arabic and Roman numerals, those numerals must be transliterated into Arabic numerals. The section “List of goods and services bearing the mark” in the written declaration must be divided into groups in accordance with the International Classification of Goods and Services under the latestversion of Nice Agreement published by the IPVN in the Industrial Property Official Gazette.].
- In addition to the mark specimen attached to the written declaration, the application must be enclosed with 05 identical mark specimens that satisfy the following requirements: a mark specimen must be clearly presented with the dimensions of each element of the mark ranging between 8 mm and 80 mm, and the entire mark must be presented within a mark model of 80 mm x 80 mm in size in the written declaration; For a mark involving colors, the mark specimen must be presented with the colors sought to be protected.
- Fee and charge receipts.
* For an application for registration of a collective mark or certification mark, in addition to the documents specified above, the application must also contain the following documents:
- Regulations on use of collective marks and certification marks;
- Explanation of particular characteristics and quality of the product bearing the mark (if the to-be-registered mark is a collective mark used for a product with unique characteristics or a mark for certification of the quality of a product or a mark for certification of geographical origin);
- Map showing the indicated territory (if the to-be-registered mark is a mark for certification of the geographical origin of a product);
- Document of the People's Committee of a province or city directly under the Central Government permitting the use of geographical names or signs indicating the geographical origin of local specialties to register a trademark (if the registered mark is a collective mark certification mark contains place names or signs indicating the geographical origin of local specialties).
Fees and charges for trademark registration
- Official charges for filing application: VND 150,000/ 01 application;
- Fee for publication of application: VND 120,000/ 01 application;
- Fee for the trademark search for the substantive examination process: VND 180,000/ 01group of goods or services;
- Fee for the trademark search from the 7th good or service onwards: VND 30,000/ 01 good or service;
- Fee for formality examination: VND 550,000/ 01 group of goods or services;
- Fee for formality examination from the 7th good or service onwards: VND 120,000/ 01 good or service.
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