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Permit For The Provision Of Information And Establishment Of Websites On Internet

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Permit for the provision of information and establishment of websites on Internet

Purpose In order to control and supervise the provision of information and establishment of websites on Internet
What is it License
Who should apply 00

00-All enterprises (that wish to have website on the Internet)

Where to apply
  • The Ministry of Culture and Information (the Press Department) shall directly receive the permit-application dossiers for the provision of information and/or establishment of websites on Internet from foreign agencies and organizations, legal persons involving foreign elements as well as centrally-run agencies, organizations and enterprises.
  • The provincial/municipal Culture and Information Services shall receive and evaluate the permit-application dossiers for the provisions of information and/or establishment of websites on Internet from locally-run agencies, organizations and enterprises, and propose in writing the Ministry of Culture and Information to consider the permit granting.
Validity of the License and application fee Unspecified
Application conditions and documents

Eligibility of Applicants:

  • For Vietnamese agencies, organizations and enterprises:
    1. Getting a written approval of the managing agency.
    2. Clearly determining the type of to be-provided information, information contents, columns and information-updating frequency.
    3. Having persons with full competence to take responsibility for the information contents and with information management skills.
    4. Having adequate technical means in service of information provision, and having valid Internet domain address.
  • For Vietnam-based foreign agencies, organizations and enterprises:

    1. Diplomatic missions, consulates, and representative offices of international organizations, inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and foreign news and press agencies, including their heads, that wish to provide information onto Internet in Vietnam must all get written approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
    2. For representative offices of foreign economic, cultural, scientific and consultancy organizations; foreign companies and enterprises; foreign-invested economic organizations, companies and enterprises, they must satisfy all conditions for lawful operation in Vietnam and have their official head-offices in Vietnam.
    3. Having lawful representatives to take responsibility for the information contents.
    4. Clearly determining type of information to be provided on Internet and the information contents.
    5. Having adequate technical means in service of information provision and having valid Internet domain address.

The permit-application dossier:

  • For Vietnamese agencies, organizations and enterprises:
    1. The application for permit, made according to the form set by the Ministry of Culture and Information.
    2. The copy of the decision on the establishment of the concerned agency, organization or enterprise, notarized by the State Notary Public or competent authority.
    3. The written proposal of the managing agency.
    4. The operation scheme and detailed plan on the provision of information on Internet (types of information to be provided, information contents and columns).
    5. The curricula vitae of the person in charge of the contents and the members in charge of information provision, with certification by the managing agency.
  • For Vietnam-based foreign agencies and organizations:

    1. For diplomatic missions, consulates, and representative offices of international organizations, inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and foreign news and/or press agencies.
      • The written declaration for registration of permit granting for website establishment, made according to the form set by the Ministry of Culture and Information (with signature of the lawful representative or the authorized person in charge of the information contents).
      • The written proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
      • The operation scheme and detailed plan on the provision of information on Internet (types of information to be provided, information contents and columns).
    2. For representative offices of foreign economic, cultural, scientific and consultancy organizations; foreign companies and enterprises; foreign-invested economic organizations, companies and enterprises
    • The written declaration for registration of permit granting for website establishment, made according to the form set by the Ministry of Culture and Information (with signature of the lawful representative or the authorized person in charge of the information contents).
    • The copies of the investment license, the permit to open representative office and papers related to operation of the organization, company or enterprise named in the application for permit, with certification by Vietnam State Notary Public.
    • The operation scheme and detailed plan on the provision of information on Internet (types of information to be provided, information contents and columns).
    • The curricula vitae of the person in charge of the information contents and the members in charge of information provision
The process
  1. Vietnam must fill in the permit-granting procedures and send their dossiers to the Ministry of Culture and Information (the Press Department).
  2. Within 30 days after receiving the valid dossiers, the Ministry of Culture and Information must consider the dossiers and decide on permit granting. In case of not granting permits, it must reply in writing, clearly stating the reasons therefore.
How long it will take to process the application? 30 working days
Inspecting authorities Ministry of Culture and Information
Non-compliance penalty

The handling of violations of the stipulations on the provision of information and operation of websites on Internet shall comply with the provisions of the Government’s Decree No. 55/2001/ND-CP dated August 23, 2001 on Internet and Decree No.31/2001/ND-CP dated June 26, 2001 on sanctions against administrative violations in the field of culture and information.

Legal texts regulating this license
Other useful information



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